Coucou ☕️🇫🇷🥐 I'm Amélie Laurent and this is my French newsletter. I supercharge your progress from A2 to B2 through colloquial dialogues.
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Hello la communauté francophone! 🌍 Ne vous découragez pas si vous ne comprenez pas tout. Même la tour Eiffel n'a pas été construite en un jour! — Don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything. Even the Eiffel Tower wasn't built in a day!
Today we’re talking TV. I’ve heard people say that we’ve lived through a bit of a golden age of TV. Which would be great.. if I could finally choose something to watch!
But it’s a great topic to connect with others about, most foreigners watch the same TV shows that you and I do! So let’s dive in.
📚 What I’m Reading
The Boonly: Want to enjoy your Sundays more? 🤔 The Boonly is a gift every Sunday for anyone craving a spark of wholesome curiosity, an antidote to "hustle culture", and the permission to rest, relax and enjoy your Sundays. Subscribe free 📨
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Last week I realised I hadn’t asked for feedback in a while, but it’s always important to hear what you guys think of the newsletter 🥰 So I can continue to make it the best version possible!
Please take a moment to tell me what you think of the newsletter so far! 👇 I would so appreciate it.
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🇺🇸🇬🇧 My colloquial conversational dialogues help you learn authentic French in context. They’re how real French people actually speak. If you have any questions or concerns - comment below or simply reply to this email. ✌🏻
🇫🇷 Je suis convaincue que cette newsletter sera une source d'inspiration pour vous dans votre parcours d'apprentissage.Que vous soyez débutant ou avancé, j'espère que cette newsletter vous permettra de découvrir de nouveaux aspects de la langue française, d'améliorer vos compétences et de mieux comprendre la culture francophone.
Gros Bisous! A x
Dialogue Audio 🎧
Dialogue du Jour
Noé : Salut Marine, c'est quoi ton émission préférée ?
Marine : Salut Noé, j'adore "The Crown" sur Netflix. Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu aimes regarder ?
Noé : Haha, "The Crown" ? Vraiment ? Moi, je préfère "Les Marseillais" ✪. Rien de tel qu'une émission de télé-réalité pour se détendre après une journée de travail.
Marine : "Les Marseillais" ?! Noé, tu me surprends là ! Comment tu peux supporter toutes ces disputes ?
Noé : C'est juste pour rire, Marine ! Je ne prends pas ça au sérieux. Et au moins, je n'ai pas à attendre une semaine entière pour un nouvel épisode comme avec "The Crown".
Marine : Oh, tu as raison là-dessus ✪. J'aimerais que Netflix publie tous les épisodes en une fois. Et au moins, je n'ai pas à subir les pubs ✪ comme dans ton émission.
Noé : Haha, tu m'as eu là ✪. Bon, je vais essayer "The Crown" ce soir, mais seulement si tu regardes un épisode des "Marseillais".
Marine : Marché conclu ✪, Noé. On se prendra des nouvelles demain pour voir qui a tenu le coup ✪!
♡ 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨 👇
✪ Notes
une émission = a (tv) programme / show
"Les Marseillais" = A (now iconic) trashy French reality tv show. You know the deal; tanned, horny young people allergic to clothes having endless social drama. I’m sure there are now versions in every country. It shows up in French pop culture, so a helpful thing to know of! Here’s a news segment about it → in French for more advanced learners📺 (US readers might be blocked from watching?)
Top comments from that video 😂
💬“Enfin une bonne nouvelle .. les gens vont ils redevenir intelligents et sensés ?”
At last some good news ... will people become intelligent and sensible again?💬’Enfin l'arrêt de cette catastrophe merci pour nos enfants et nos adolescents enfin le clap de fin.”
At last, the end of this disaster. Thank you for our children and teenagers. Finally the end has come.Nb. Youtube comments are one of the best ways I know to get helpful social commentary on other cultures, to get ‘the pulse’ of what real native people think about a politician, event etc.
là-dessus ✨ = sur ceci, sur ce sujet = about that, on that. A tricky word to nail down. It’s a shorthand way to reference a whole subject or situation, and sounds very native and colloquial. Look out for it! You’ll get a feel for it through exposure. “Je voudrais dire un mot là-dessus” (I want to say something about that)
je n'ai pas à subir les pubs - subir = to suffer / be subjected to. les pubs✨ = adverts/commercials. la pub = advertising, coup de pub = publicity stunt
tu m'as eu là ✨= you got me there. a helpful phrase to throw into conversation when you’re stumped or someone proves you wrong.. can be a bit awkward, throw this one out and the awkwardness turns into a moment of French competence!
Marché conclu ✨= It’s a deal!
pour voir qui a tenu le coup = tenir le coup = ne pas se laisser abattre = lit. ‘take the hit’, endure, hold out, weather the storm. In this context “to see who survived”, it’s funny and lighthearted.
*✨ = especially ‘Frenchie’ words/phrases you should try and use more
Writing Prompt ✍️
Favourite TV show I’ve seen recently would be Succession. It’s everything I want from a TV show really, gripping narrative that was complex and knotty so I’d be thinking about it in the shower for several days after! And it stayed good through all the seasons, which is rare these days! Obviously not to mention that it feels very relevant to how wealth, power, media, family dynamics work in real life. Great show.
Alors, c’est quoi ton émission préférée ?
All answers are welcome. One word.. or one sentence.
Write me your answer in the comments. I can’t wait to read them! 👇🏼
N: Hi M, what's your favourite show?
M: Hi N, I love "The Crown" on Netflix. What do you like to watch?
N: Haha, The Crown? Really? I prefer 'Les Marseillais'. There's nothing like a reality show to relax after a day's work.
M: "Les Marseillais"?! N, you surprise me! How can you put up with all these arguments?
N: It's just a bit of fun, M! I don't take it seriously. And at least I don't have to wait a whole week for a new episode like with "The Crown".
M: Oh, you're right about that. I wish Netflix would release all the episodes at once. And at least I don't have to suffer through the ads like on your show.
N: Haha, you got me there. Well, I'm going to try "The Crown" tonight, but only if you watch an episode of "Les Marseillais".
M: It's a deal, N. We'll check in tomorrow to see who's made it!
Exercise - Fill in the blank 💪
Quickly test your comprehension, accelerate your learning. 🚀
Je regarde toujours __ de cuisine le samedi soir.
I always watch the cooking show on Saturday night.Nous sommes complètement en désaccord __.
We completely disagree on this.Avec ce jeu de mots, __!
With that pun, you got me there!J'évite de regarder la télévision à cause de toutes __.
I avoid watching TV because of all the advertisements.J'espère que tu pourras __ jusqu'à la fin de la réunion.
I hope you can hang in there until the end of the meeting.
If you’re struggling the ✪ Notes section is always a good place to look. 😉 The answers are all in the dialogue or notes section.
[NO PEAKING] Answer Key: 1. une émission 2. là-dessus 3. vous m'avez eu là 4. les pubs 5. tenir le coup
⏪ Catch Up On Recent Dialogues
Une Façon d'utiliser ce Dialogue
These dialogues are a very simple tool. Yet this allows them to be versatile and endlessly flexible to you and your learning style.
Here’s one way you could use the dialogue this week:
🕵🏻 Beginner: Identify the verbs in each sentence.
🥷Advanced: List their conjugation and infinitives.
Check out my quick guide🔗 for different ways you can learn with these dialogues. Perfect if you’re finding them too easy or too hard. 🙌🏻
Private French Lessons
If you’re a serious intermediate student, and would like a private lesson, you can book one here →. Please note there are limited spots available, it is '“first-come first-served” as you say in English.
✉️ Votre invitation à Paris
𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ♡ 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜👇
If you want a link to message someone or share on socials (this is the biggest thing you can do to help me grow! 🌱) here it is:
If you have any type of feedback please let me know in the comments. Or you can just reply to this email.
Keep practicing, on se voit la semaine prochaine!
Amélie x
Mon émission préférée est Sherlock. J‘aime les acteurs Benedict Cumberbatch et Martin Freeman. En plus j‘adore toutes les blagues et l‘intelligence de Sherlock. Ça me fait toujours plaisir de regarder un épisode de Sherlock après une dure journée.
Je viens de finir Les Combattantes sur Netflix. Il s’agit de quatre femmes pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. J’adore l’histoire et la série discute beaucoup d’enjeux importants. C’est aussi une histoire captivante!