Dialogue 21/03 : Rencontrer un personnage historique
If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?
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By summer you’ll be able to show off all your new French skills you’ve worked so hard for during the winter.
Keep up the good work. Oh, and:
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My colloquial conversational dialogues help you learn authentic French in context. They’re how real French people actually speak.
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Dialogue du Jour
Marine : Si tu pouvais rencontrer un personnage historique, ce serait qui ?
Guillaume : Je dirais certainement Napoléon Bonaparte. Il a marqué l'histoire de la France de manière indélébile et j'aimerais connaître ses pensées sur les choix qu'il a faits.
Marine : Vraiment ? Je ne voudrais jamais rencontrer Napoléon. Je pense qu'il a causé beaucoup de dommages à l'Europe. Je préfère rencontrer quelqu'un de plus pacifique et inspirant, comme Martin Luther King Jr.
Guillaume : Je comprends ta position, mais Napoléon a aussi apporté beaucoup de changements positifs pour la France, tels que le Code civil.
Marine : Oui, c'est vrai, mais je ne peux pas oublier les guerres et les conquêtes territoriales qu'il a menées. Je préfère une personne qui a vraiment lutté pour la paix et les droits de l'homme.
Guillaume : Je pense que nous avons des points de vue différents, mais c'est ce qui rend les discussions intéressantes, n'est-ce pas ?
Marine : Absolument ! C'est toujours enrichissant de découvrir de nouvelles perspectives.
M: If you could meet a historical character, who would it be?
G: I would definitely say Napoleon Bonaparte. He left an indelible mark on French history and I would like to know his thoughts on the choices he made.
M: Really? I would never want to meet Napoleon. I think he did a lot of damage to Europe. I would rather meet someone more peaceful and inspiring, like Martin Luther King Jr.
G: I understand your position, but Napoleon also brought a lot of positive changes to France, such as the Civil Code.
M: Yes, that's true, but I can't forget the wars and territorial conquests he led. I prefer someone who really fought for peace and human rights.
G: I think we have different points of view, but that's what makes the discussions interesting, isn't it?
M: Absolutely! It's always enriching to discover new perspectives.
Une Façon d'utiliser ce Dialogue
These dialogues are a very simple tool. Yet this allows them to be versatile and endlessly flexible to you and your learning style.
Here’s one way you could use the dialogue this week:
📣 Read the dialogue out loud (this bit is really important) to yourself.
Try and master the intonation of the words and emotions.
New Icon Drop
Just a fun little update. The French Digest icon got a refresh this week - more French, more language-y. I hope you like. 🙌🏻
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Ciao !
Amélie x