French with Amélie
French with Amélie
French 101 🇫🇷: La drague 💋
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French 101 🇫🇷: La drague 💋


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Coucou ☕️🇫🇷🥐 I'm Amélie Laurent and this is my newsletter where I supercharge your progress from A2 to B2 through colloquial dialogues.
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And today you guys are all in luck! Due to unforeseen happenings, this week’s dialogue is from the premium French 101 🇫🇷 series. Where classic French topics get the unique Amélie treatment.

I’ve been excited about this dialogue for a while because it’s just so typically… French! The French love flirting, what can I say? It’s like a national past time. 💁🏻‍♀️

And whether you’re looking to sound smooth… or know when someone’s turning it on.. or just looking to understand French romcom scenes better, today’s dialogue will cover all your bases.

On the subject of romcoms (or crime dramas, or bakery shows, or nature documentaries.. the options are endless really).... today’s sponsor is one of the best ways to harness their power to improve your French!

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LingoPie really is the funnest way I know of learning French! And that’s a superpower.

If you enjoy watching films/TV shows then it’s a bit of a no brainer - I think you guys even get 70 % off any subscription because you’re my readers 🤫

Gros Bisous
A 💜

French 101 🇫🇷: La drague 💋

Dialogue Audio 🎧


Dialogue du Jour

Mathis : Salut, en passant ✪, je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de remarquer ton sourire. Tu viens souvent ici ?

Inès : De temps en temps. C'est sympa ici. Et toi ?

Mathis : C'est la première fois que je viens. Je cherchais un bon endroit pour briser la glace ✪ avec une inconnue. Rires. Je peux t’offrir un verre ? 

Inès : Pourquoi pas ? Mais attention, je sais reconnaître un baratineur ✪ quand j'en vois un.

Mathis : Promis, je ne suis pas là pour draguer ✪... enfin, pas trop. Tu préfères quoi comme boisson ?

Inès : Un mojito, s'il te plaît. Et toi ?

Mathis : La même chose, c'est toujours bien de partager les mêmes goûts.

Inès : Ah, toujours en train de chiner, n'est-ce pas ?

Mathis : C'est plus fort que moi. Tu me donnes ton numéro ? Peut-être qu'on pourrait sortir un autre jour, dans un endroit moins bruyant. Il faut que j'apporte ces boissons à mon ami.

Inès : Hmm... Ok. Donne-moi ce petit bout de serviette. Voilà.

Mathis : Merci, Inès. Je t'enverrai un message. On voit ce que ça donne ✪.

Inès : On verra bien. Profite de ton mojito pour l'instant !

♡ 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨 👇


en passant = by the way. I know all my phrases are useful, and I maybe say it a lot, but if you’re trying to speak French, this really is a useful phrase! Every English speakers seen to want to use it at some point.

When you just want to add a little comment or compliment into a conversation, at the start or when leaving. This is the phrase to bracket it like a pro.

briser la glace = break the ice. Same as English, easy to remember. Remember it, use it, impress the French. Simple. Language learners get through a lot of ice-breaking! So you’ll have plenty of excuses. 

ce que ça donne ✨🧩 = what happens / how it goes. Another turn of phrase that really grasps my imagination. Lit. “what that gives”, I love that. “Restez et on verra ce que ça donne” (Stay and see what happens)

*✨ = especially ‘Frenchie’ words/phrases you should try and use more
*🧩 = ‘canned’ expressions or phrases that are best learned as a whole, like puzzle-pieces.

Petit Bonus 🪄

Here’s a great video 🎥 about flirting in French.
I’m sure most of you will be familiar with Easy French - if not, it’s one of the best channels for immersive French comprehension. 

🗝️ Key Vocab 

un baratineur = a smooth-talker (there’s lots of then in France!)
draguer = to hit on someone/to flirt
chiner = (very colq) to hit on someone/to flirt

🗝️ Key Questions


Tu viens souvent ici ? = Do you come here often?
Je peux t’offrir un verre ? = Can I buy you a drink? 
Tu me donnes ton numéro ? = Can I have your number?
Tu préfères quoi comme boisson ? = What's your favourite drink?

*French 101 🇫🇷 dialogues go the extra mile, so you'll find 🗝️ Key Phrases from the dialogue listed for you to memorise, scribble down, or learn with flashcards. And of course, I’ve included 🎧Audio Recordings to help you master them more easily.

To recieve future French 101 🇫🇷 dialogues every week simply upgrade to premium.
It’s a coffee ☕️ and a croissant 🥐 a month. Simple.


M : Hi.. by the way, I couldn't help noticing your smile. Do you come here often?

I : From time to time. It's nice here. What about you?

M : This is my first time here. I was looking for a good place to break the ice with a stranger. Laughs. Can I buy you a drink? 

I : Why not. But be careful, I know a smooth talker when I see one.

M : I promise, I'm not here to flirt ... well, not too much. What's your favourite drink?

I : A mojito, please. What's yours?

M : The same, it's always good to share the same tastes.

I : Ah, always on the hunt, aren't you?

M : I can't help it. Can I have your number? Maybe we could go out another day, somewhere less noisy. I've got to take these drinks to my friend.

I : Hmm... OK. Give me that napkin. There you go.

M : Thanks, I. I'll send you a message. We'll see how it goes.

I : We'll see. Enjoy your mojito for now!

Writing Prompt ✍️ Alors, t'as déjà été dragué dans un bar ?

All answers are welcome. One word.. or one sentence.
Write me your answer in the comments. I can’t wait to read them! 👇🏼

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Exercise 1 - Fill in the blank 💪

Quickly test your comprehension, accelerate your learning. 🚀

  1. Pour commencer une conversation avec quelqu'un, il faut parfois savoir __.
    To start a conversation with someone, sometimes you need to know how to break the ice.

  2. Il n'est pas facile de __ sans sembler trop direct.
    It's not easy to flirt without seeming too forward.

  3. Elle m'a dit bonjour __ en marchant dans le parc.
    She said hello in passing while walking in the park.

  4. Voyons __ avec cette nouvelle stratégie.
    Let's see what comes of this new strategy.

  5. Méfie-toi, il pourrait être __ et te dire des mensonges.
    Be careful, he might be a smooth talker and tell you lies.

If you’re struggling the ✪ Notes section is always a good place to look. 😉 The answers are all in the dialogue or notes section.

[NO PEEKING] Answer Key: 1 briser la glace 2 draguer 3 en passant 4 ce que ça donne 5 un baratineur

Exercise 2 - Translate ⚡

If you can translate each of these sentences after the lesson then you’re making real progress. They can also me used as flashcards.

  1. Ce mec n’arrête pas de me chiner, j’en ai marre !

  2. La bibliothèque était étonnamment bruyante aujourd'hui, rendant difficile de me concentrer sur ma lecture.

  3. "J'en ai marre de cette routine quotidienne," pensa-t-elle en regardant par la fenêtre.

  4. Il n'était pas trop enthousiaste à l'idée de partir en randonnée, mais la vue en valait la peine.

  5. Elle aimait se promener en ville, toujours à l'affût de nouvelles expériences et rencontres.

1. This guy keeps hitting on me, i’m sick of it!
2. The library was surprisingly noisy today, making it hard to focus on my reading.
3. "I'm fed up with this daily routine," she thought, looking out the window.
4. He wasn't too enthusiastic about going on a hike, but the view was worth it.
5. She liked to wander around the city, always on the lookout for new experiences and encounters

👑 Comment of the week

Quel est le meilleur conseil que tu aies reçu ? Lewis a répondu:

Il y a longtemps, a Paris, j'ai trouvé un médaille militaire française -- et je l'ai acheté. "En avant toujours en avant." Je vis comme ça tous les jour depuis presque cinquante années.

Entre-temps Richard a répondu:

Ma mère disait qu'on ne pouvait pas étudier sans un stylo à la main et du papier.

Catch Up On Recent Dialogues

Une Façon d'utiliser ce Dialogue

These dialogues are a very simple tool. Yet this allows them to be versatile and endlessly flexible to you and your learning style. 
Here’s one way you could use the dialogue this week:

  • 🎙️ Record yourself reading the dialogue out loud, then listen to it back.

You can repeat this x2-3 times. You will be surprised at how you can self-correct your accent and intonation, and how you will become aware of where you need to study!

Check out my quick guide🔗 for different ways you can learn with these dialogues. Perfect if you’re finding them too easy or too hard. 🙌🏻

✉️ Votre invitation à Paris

𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 ♡ 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜👇

If you want a link to message someone or share on socials (this is the biggest thing you can do to help me grow! 🌱) here it is:


If you have any type of feedback please let me know in the comments. Or you can just reply to this email.

Keep practicing, on se voit la semaine prochaine! 👋

Amélie x

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